About Us
LOMART FILM CARTS UK is a division of Lomart Ltd in London. We supply carts and accessories to the film/tv, audio/video and photography industries in the UK and Worldwide from our head office and warehouses in London.
We carry a large stock of Backstage Film Carts and Magliners as well as Inovativ Workstations, CaseCarts, Adicam and more. We also have our own range of film industry carts for lights, stands & flags and can make bespoke versions to suit your application. We offer a full aftersales service including repairs, servicing and modifications. Please feel free to contact us by email (info@filmcarts.co.uk) or by phone (020 8493 8383) to discuss your needs.
As we are a material handling company at heart, we can also offer a range of pallet trucks, stackers, sack trucks, scissor tables, jacks and various hoists. If you need to lift, lower or move something - we have the machine for you. For more information, please visit our parent website: www.liftmate.co.uk.
For information on our full range of pallet trucks please visit www.liftmate.co.uk/pallet-trucks.